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These days, my regular "speaking engagements" include teaching English to high school sophomores and mentoring a group of young ladies at our school. I am fulfilled and look forward to going to work each day, but I do feel that I have so many ideas that are never developed and topics that I rarely explore simply due to a lack of time. I refuse to let this be my infinitely looping excuse. I refuse to succumb to the screaming demands of my calendar. I will pray, and I will write. I will go when asked. I will share what the Lord is showing me. See you soon.

Available Resources

"Second Mile Saturdays"| Workbook $12

"Lather, Rinse, Repent: Make a Clean Break" |
Workbook $10

"How to Bless the Next Generation: The Workbook" |$10

"Devoted: The Workbook - Updated!" | $10

"E" Workshop To Go| Portable Encouragement| 10 Workbooks and a Leader's Guide - $105